Having the Hope of Eternal Life (Titus 3:7)

Titus 3:7 (NIV)

7 so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.

Knowing the truth about Christ Jesus sacrificing Himself for our sins is a tremendous blessing because among many things, this knowledge widens our thinking, the depths of our appreciation and worship it also changes the way we plan, develop and grow. 

We no longer just think about our time here on this earth, but we have the privilege to be able to factor in eternity!

When we make plans, we also keep eternity in mind, when we say goodbye to loved ones, we keep eternity in mind, when we make personal sacrifices, we keep eternity in mind and when we experience triumphs, we keep eternity in mind.

We have a lasting assurance and a certainty that there is more than meets the eye when it comes to walking with God

When we praise God, we are not just praising Him for what He has done in the earth that we can see, but we are also praising God for all of the things that He has done in eternity that we are yet to see. 

It’s like a child having a birthday celebration and they think that they’ve opened all of their presents, the wrapping paper is being cleared away and there is much cake to be eaten.

All of a sudden, the birthday boy or girl is told to look outside and there in front of the house is a brightly coloured shiny new bike with a big ribbon on it. 

Can you imagine the excitement that was in the heart of those parents when they were planning the day and putting everything together? 

The unspeakable joy that must have filled their hearts as they saw the look on their beloved child’s face and heard them squeal with delight the very moment they clapped eyes on their newly revealed present. 

If a human being, who is fallible can be capable of such goodness then how much more our Heavenly Father who is good all the time.

What wonders must await us? We walk with a purpose that God has given us because we are heirs in the kingdom of God.

If a human being, who is fallible can be capable of such goodness then how much more our Heavenly Father who is good all the time.

Simply MichMich

It is totally underserved, and we have no reason within ourselves to present as evidence why we should be given this tremendous gift by God. 

Yet the bible tells us that it was because of God’s loving-kindness that He saved us and no works of righteousness that we did. 

In fact, our focus scripture tells us that we were justified by grace; the undeserved favour of God was so richly poured out that we are considered guiltless just as if we had never sinned because of Christ Jesus. 

This week let’s give thanks for the Holy Spirit who continues to work within us having already made us alive to God through the regeneration of our spirit through Christ Jesus our Lord and saviour. 

Let’s continue to praise our Almighty God for placing eternity into the hearts of His people, we now have hope of eternal life, we have dual citizenship! Therefore, on the strength and power of His word we keep going, no matter what! Having the hope of eternal life.

This is God’s word spoken in love. Remember The LORD our God, He is good and His mercies endure forever. May the blessings of the LORD overtake you and come upon you and His love surround you, for His glory. Have a blessed week. In Jesus Name.

Be a blessing and share this with someone who needs to hear this today. 

Take Care x