Hope in the Eternal God (Psalm 102:27)

27 But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end.

Psalm 102:27 (KJV)

Placing your hope on the things of this earth is a hazardous practice, simply because everything on the earth is temporary and is subject to change. 

Whether it is people, our environment, our careers, or even our own self, depending on the circumstances everything can change. The way we feel about something or someone today may not be how we feel tomorrow, despite our best intentions.

However, it is not this way with God, we can hope in Him because He doesn’t change, and He never will. 

In a time when we have seen so much change and turmoil, the truth that God is unchanging provides us with great comfort. Not only is God faithful and consistent but He is going to continue to be around forever.

We can trust God, in Him we have hope, He is able to change circumstances and situations and He is able to keep us while we grow and develop and step into our destiny.

We can draw strength from God, He said that He would never fail us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5) He did not say, however, that everything will work out exactly the way that we want it to. In fact, the bible says in Psalm 34:19 that many are the afflictions of the righteous but that the LORD would deliver us out of them all. 

Sometimes that deliverance doesn’t look like we expect. There are some things that God is going to allow to happen in His Sovereignty. However, take hope that if He has not stopped the hardship from taking place that can only mean that He has made a way to ensure that the hardship will not stop you. 

So, you may not be taken out of the situation, and delivered as you thought, however, you will come through whatever you face and come out stronger, wiser, more compassionate, patient, empowered to help others, humble, and closer to God than you have ever been. Remember this is not the end of the matter, hope in the faithful and Eternal God. 

This is God’s word spoken in love. Remember The LORD our God, He is good and His mercies endure forever. May the blessings of the LORD overtake you and come upon you and His love surround you, for His glory. Have a blessed week. In Jesus Name.

Be a blessing and share this with someone who needs to hear this today. 

Take Care x