Hope in the Redeeming Love of God
7 Let Israel hope in Jehovah, because with Jehovah there is loving-kindness, and with him is plenteous redemption; 8 And he will redeem Israel from all his iniquities.
Psalm 130:7-8
In seasons of difficulty and darkness it is a blessing to have the capacity to remember that we have hope in God, but sometimes we need reminding. God usually raises up a person to speak to us in that moment.
The Psalmist is that person, speaking words of encouragement to God’s people reminding us to hope in Jehovah. This is not just a rallying cry to motivate God’s people, but the psalmist is highlighting key attributes of God’s character, demonstrating the reason why we can hope in God.
With God there is an abundance of mercy, an abundance of power to set people free and to draw us to Himself even out of all our sins and the mess that we may
get ourselves into.
Like a loving father who bathes his child because the child cannot bathe themselves, God attentively cleanses us from our sins with relentless purpose.
Sometimes the washcloth may seem to be intrusive and we may even wish that He stay away from certain areas of our life. But when He demonstrates that He has covered us and made us His own. And shows us and everyone around us that it is Him that firmly holds us. We are indeed the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus and there is no feeling like it in the world!
Love, mercy, grace, acceptance, comfort, pardon, forgiveness and deliverance. Do you need God today?
Yes, we could continue to be hurt because of the treatment or the actions of others. But if, we’d be really honest with ourselves we’ve also made some decisions or did something or said something even if it was just in our heart or our thoughts that we didn’t want to repeat. But God who hears, sees and knows all; heard it, saw it and felt it and still forgave us, because He’s Holy and Merciful.
In verse 3 the Psalmist asks the question “If you, Lord were to keep a strict tally of sins, who could stand before you and survive?”.
May the truth of God’s redeeming love help us to be more careful, kind and compassionate, forgiving and patient with others and ourselves as we live out our faith.
This week let’s set our minds on the redeeming love of God that we can hope in and let’s include some prayers of gratitude for all the times that we put ourselves in danger and God delivered us. Where we were the person in the wrong even though we thought we were right only to stand corrected. And where God delivered us from dangers unseen.
This is God’s word spoken in love. Remember The LORD our God, He is good and His mercies endure forever. May the blessings of the LORD overtake you and come upon you and His love surround you, for His glory. Have a blessed week. In Jesus Name.