On God’s Page (Proverbs 19:21)

Proverbs 19:21

21 Many are the thoughts in a man’s heart, but the counsel of Jehovah, that doth stand.

Two friends had agreed to work on a business together, they had the same goals, they both wanted to see great things achieved and so it was a no-brainer. 

The issues began to arise when one possessing more insight into certain areas of the market than the other was not consulted at the appropriate time before major decisions had to be made. 

The other professing that because they had the knowledge and believed passionately in the business, that it would produce the desired outcome.

Unfortunately, the desired outcome was not favourable because although the second friend had the knowledge, passion and belief. They lacked the ability to make right use of that knowledge, passion and belief at the time that it mattered the most. 

Now, both saw this business project as their ‘baby’ both were totally committed however, they were not on the same page. 

This is how we can get with God if we are not mindful of ourselves. Except, God is not just a well-meaning partner, friend or team member He is the Great I AM He has wisdom and insight into all things not just somethings.

He will guide us in a special and unique way that lets us know that truly, God is with us, however we must be positioned, and our hearts must be postured in submission to His will with a longing to be led by our Lord.

Unfortunately, just like our friend in the story, we run into issues when we think that knowledge passion and belief are enough. Sadly, a lot of us have learned the hard way that we need to consult God at all times. 

As I’ve mentioned before in previous posts that God knows the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10) Sometimes we tend to get a little carried away with our knowledge passion and belief.

Don’t leave God out, He’s the one with the plan, we may have many good options in front of us however, not all of them are God’s options. Let’s seek the counsel of God so that we can make the right use of what we know, feel and believe. 

Maybe there’s a hidden thing that we need to know about, something clandestine that only those ‘in the know’ are aware of. 

Maybe we need a little more time in order for a crucial matter to be revealed before we make our move.

Let God reveal the hidden thing and may every trap and costly snare be avoided and escaped from in the Name of Jesus! 

This week let’s thank God for His plan for our lives and ask Him to keep us on the same page with Him always. Let’s repent for our presumptions, our rash decision making and return back to Him with humility. 

We serve such a merciful, loving and almighty God who is rooting for us and wants us to do well, He will help in any way that He can, but He must be consulted. Let’s stay on God’s page.

This is God’s word spoken in love. Remember The LORD our God, He is good and His mercies endure forever. May the blessings of the LORD overtake you and come upon you and His love surround you, for His glory. Have a blessed week. In Jesus Name.

Be a blessing and share this with someone who needs to hear this today. 

Take Care x