Relocated to Another Kingdom
13 For He has rescued us and has drawn us to Himself from the dominion of darkness, and has transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, 14 in whom we have redemption [because of His sacrifice, resulting in] the forgiveness of our sins [and the cancellation of sins’ penalty].
Colossians 1:13-14 (AMP)
Let me start by saying that this is such a meaty scripture, there is so much we could pull out of it. However, I would like to pull one thing out to look at.
“We are relocated to the Kingdom of God because of the redeeming sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ.”
Translated, removed, re-established, transplanted, relocated … All of the words mentioned are used in different translations of the bible to describe exactly what has happened to us when we were saved. The word ‘relocated’ really sticks out to me.
When I think of this word, images of large cardboard boxes, moving vans and bubble wrap come to mind. Immediately I think of a physical relocation such as moving home or moving to another city.
Spiritually this is what immediately happened to us when we were saved. Before we were born again we lived in the domain of darkness held captive by the enemy. Now because Jesus has become a living sacrifice for the payment of our sins we are relocated to the kingdom of God.
So what concessions and benefits are we entitled to access that we are not aware of as citizens of the Kingdom of God? As God has redeemed us let’s live as the redeemed of God and enjoy the life of the redeemed. There may be darkness in the world but we are not of the world we are of the Kingdom of God and His Christ.
This week let’s pray and ask God to revel to us the areas of our lives that He wants us to walk in victory and enjoy as citizens of His Kingdom and the people that He has redeemed. Let’s receive by faith and walk in the reality of the Kingdom of God despite the darkness of the times.
This is God’s word spoken in love. Remember The LORD our God, He is good and His mercies endure forever. May the blessings of the LORD overtake you and come upon you and His love surround you, for His glory. Have a blessed week. In Jesus Name.