Encouragement Righteousness Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit Romans 14:17

Righteousness Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17)

My encouragement to you . . .

Be glad that the blessings of the kingdom of God do not consist of physical stuff to meet the carnality of the body. 

The citizens of the Kingdom of God all enjoy the spiritual blessings of being in right-standing with God, enjoying a harmony and tranquil state of well-being in the Lord, and an inner contentment and satisfaction that comes not from external factors but comes from being with the Lord. 

This is extended to us immediately as soon as we give our lives to the Lord. Yet it takes a while to become conscious of it and operate in it.

Be encouraged, you don’t have to work up what you already are. You are already a citizen of the Kingdom of God the moment you were born again. 

Not only are you a citizen but you are also the son or daughter of the King! If you have the King, you have His Kingdom. Embrace the righteousness, the peace and the joy in the Holy Spirit. 

Each of these blessings are concessions of the Kingdom, for you are operating in the King’s domain and you bring His Kingdom to the earth. ❤️🤗 #KingJesus #Encouragement #SimplyMichMich Share on X

Each of these blessings are concessions of the Kingdom, for you are operating in the King’s domain and you bring His Kingdom to the earth. Wherever His Kingdom is, the enemy of our soul cannot rule because he was expelled from the Kingdom. 

Now it makes sense to pray “Your Kingdom come…”.

The Bible says in:

Romans 14:17

17 for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Be blessed by these words of encouragement from the bible.

Be a blessing and share with someone that needs to hear this today.

Take Care x

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