Psalm 37:11
11 But the meek shall inherit the earth,
And shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.
It has been mentioned before that biblical meekness is a disciplined state of calm, humility, strength under control and a deliberate submission to the will of God.
The people of God that remain in that state of meekness shall not only have a part to play in God’s plan of salvation.
But also, in this very age those that chose the ways of the Lord and belong to Him often become those individuals that others turn to, look to and ultimately these people end up in some form of leadership or position of influence.
When we are not quick to anger and chose not to respond in kind when we are hurt or offended (although we may want to). We demonstrate the meekness of Jesus who when crucified did not open His mouth (Isaiah 53:7).
God shows us that we have the capacity to handle His blessings. More often than not, blessings are disguised in uncomfortable, awkward, offensive and painful situations.
If we were to backbite and throw a fit; or even deal with matters in a carnal fashion and not humble ourselves to calmly see what the Holy Spirit is showing us.
We could miss the opportunity that God was using to bless us, it’s the meek that get it all.
When we trust God to be our defence and trust Him to right every wrong it takes the load and the responsibility off our shoulders.
We don’t have to be right every time, it’s enough to be righteous and let God have the final say. ❤️🔥🔥🔥 #PeaceOfGod #Jesus #SimplyMichMich Share on XWe don’t have to be right every time, it’s enough to be righteous and let God have the final say. He’s the best at that kind of thing and vengeance doesn’t corrupt His soul like it does ours.
If we try to right every wrong and take matters into our own hands without His grace, we open ourselves up to feelings of vengeance, resentfulness, strife and tit for tat backbiting.
When we trust God to be our defence and trust Him to right every wrong it takes the load and the responsibility off our shoulders.
Simply MichMich
This corrodes our soul and if we don’t repent of it especially when graciously and lovingly warned by God. We could be given over to our own minds as we try to justify our contrary behaviour.
Soon enough in self-righteousness we might attract deception to sit with us and agree with our hurt feelings, those with doctrines of demons, spoon feeding lies and hypocrisy, majoring on the minor things and minoring on the major.
Sadly, this is what makes some turn away from the faith and end up with a conscience seared with a hot iron, despising goodness and embracing what is bad; no longer able to respond to God (1 Tim 4:1-2).
Meekness is our safety net; it gives us the freedom to delight in the abundance of peace that being meek brings.
When we’re peaceful and relaxed answers to problems come, it’s easier to hear from the Lord and bask in His sweet, sweet goodness. Being meek is our weapon against pride and haughtiness and ultimately against the destruction and the fall that follows.
This week as we spend our time with the Lord let’s bring our hearts before Him and ask God to search us out. If He finds any pride or haughtiness let’s repent and ask Him to wash us clean with the blood of Jesus as we stand before Him.
Let’s ask for the manifestation of the meekness that He has given to each and every one of us when we were saved to show up in us and fill the void left. Help us to delight in the abundance of peace.
This is God’s word spoken in love. Remember The LORD our God, He is good and His mercies endure forever. May the blessings of the LORD overtake you and come upon you and His love surround you, for His glory. Have a blessed week. In Jesus Name.
Be a blessing and share this with someone who needs to hear this today.
Take Care x