Essential Life-Lived Spiritual Worship (Romans 12:1)
Romans 12:1 (KJV)
1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
There is a point that every child of God gets to, when they have to let go of trying to control and steer their lives. A sober but sweet submission of their dreams, their expectations of themselves and of others, and give it over to God.
In the rendering of this control i.e. to hand back in acknowledgment of dependence upon God, there is a sacrifice that is made. A laying down; preparing for the worse to happen yet hoping for the best. All the while trusting in God to hold you, repair and restore, heal and save.
This is much like Esther when she said “if I perish, I perish” but her hope was, that God would grant her favour in the sight of the king and deliver her people (Esther 4:16). This is like Abraham laying his only begotten son on the altar to sacrifice him, being certain that if God would have him to sacrifice his own son, He was God enough to raise him from the dead and bring him back to life (Hebrews 11:19).
With God, the sacrifice is never the end of the story it is always the beginning. Could it be that there is a new beginning hiding behind your sacrifice? What is it that God is asking you to lay down? Is it an opinion? Is it a right to be wrong? Is it a career direction? A ministry? A hope? A dream? How about your everyday life?
This is the pleasing thing to God, that we desire Him over all others, even ourselves.
Simply MichMich
Our scripture speaks of bringing our bodies to God as a living sacrifice; the members of our bodies and our faculties; our coming and our going, our prerogative, the power of our minds, our instincts, our reasonings, our will. All of this we offer to God, at times this may not be an easy thing, there is a ‘dying to self’ involved. This is why it is called a sacrifice.
When we delve a little further over time, there is an embracing and a preference towards what God does for us over what we could do for ourselves. This is the pleasing thing to God, that we desire Him over all others, even ourselves.
You are not meant to fit in to the way the world does things, that culture is not for God’s people, so think it not strange if you experience discomfort. Don’t try to adjust rather, set your eyes upon Jesus, let Him give you His peace (John 14:27), let Him train you to recognise the will of our Heavenly Father.
When we sweetly surrender our all to God and look for Him to be glorified in our everyday coming and going as well as our great achievements, we are worshiping God.
This is a life lived for God, an essential and spiritual worship which is holy (consecrated and set apart) not out of duty or obligation but out of an intense love for the One that took us out of hell. This is reasonable and do-able with God, we were never meant to do it alone or separate from Him, there is no joy, no reciprocity and no glory in that.
When there is a response and a reflection from us to God in everything that we do and in our entire being, there is a great swell of glory that impacts nations right down to individuals. Who, in turn impact nations all for the Kingdom of God.
Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice to bring us into the “new thing” that God had promised, and He loves us so much that He doesn’t want to do it without us.
This week we set our eyes upon God and ask Him for the help that we need to sacrifice and surrender from a place of intense love. May the life that we live be done so in a beautiful worship to our loving Heavenly Father and may there be divine peace in the sacrifice.
This is God’s word spoken in love. Remember The LORD our God, He is good and His mercies endure forever. May the blessings of the LORD overtake you and come upon you and His love surround you, for His glory. Have a blessed week. In Jesus Name.
Be a blessing and share this with someone who needs to hear this today.
Take Care x