Bible Study Books Self-Study Bible Course By Derek Prince Recommendation

Recommendation of Self-Study Bible Course by Derek Prince

Self-Study Bible Course

Self-Study Bible Course By Derek Prince

This is the updated and expanded Self-Study Bible Course by renowned Bible Teacher Derek Prince published by Spirit-Led Bible Study 26 May 2007.

This bible study book has been a tremendous blessing to me, this is not an exploratory study that seeks to look at the bible from a new angle. This is an in-depth qualitative study that helps to form the biblical foundation of our faith, which is beneficial to every Christian.

If you are looking to find meanings of metaphors, types, and symbols, this is not that type of a bible study course. This type of bible study course helps you to move through the bible from the old testament to the new testament in a simple and holistic way.

What I find enjoyable about this bible study book, is that it is not just for new believers, it is a very valuable bible study book for all Christians, whether you have just been saved or have been saved for years and would like to refresh your bible study life to launch into further bible study. 

The author has really thought about and identified what would be helpful for us to learn, each of these studies within this course is stand-alone, and can be used for an individual or as a part of a study group. 

There is a scriptural theme for each section, where biblical truths and biblical principles are explored, there are also scriptural keys to help you to understand the Word of God with the help of the Holy Spirit to grow in your relationship with Christ Jesus.

There are scripture searches, questions and answers and fill in the blanks style exercises, also, there is a memory verse for each section. An answer and marking sheet is provided to check your biblical learning. The author has gone the extra mile to include concise expounding notes on the correct answers with cross referenced scriptures and further explanations. 

There are also progress assessments paced nicely throughout the course so that you can evaluate your biblical learning as you go along to ensure a clear understanding of what you have just studied.

I thoroughly enjoyed working through this bible study book, it gets a thumbs up from me, please see links below to get your own copy (non-affiliated)

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