The Plans of His Heart (Psalm 33:11)

My encouragement to you . . .

God has a plan and the plans of His heart started long before we were ever on the earth and will go on forever. That is encouraging because we can be sure that God isn’t winging it. He’s not on the spot trying to think up His next move. 

Be encouraged, Jesus has you and me in mind and has seen all our days and considered us in His plan for eternity

When things get rough, be comforted in the truth that God is in control and He has a plan, we may not understand everything that is happening but that’s where trust and faith come into view. 

When things get rough, be comforted in the truth that God is in control and He has a plan…

Simply MichMich

Even with tears flowing, trust and hold on to God, He will work it around for your good and the generations to come. 

The Bible says in:

Psalm 33:11 (NKJV)

11 The counsel of the Lord stands forever,
The plans of His heart to all generations.

Be blessed by the hearing of God’s Word.

Be a blessing and share with someone that needs to hear this today.

Take Care x