Encouragement Waste No Time Proverbs 19:21

Waste No Time (Proverbs 19:21)

My encouragement to you . . .

Waste no time! What do I mean by that?

I learned a very valuable lesson some time ago that I humbly share with you today.

I would have wonderful creative ideas, strategies and plans, I would throw myself into them without first speaking to God about them. Maybe I would ask Him to bless them after I’d made up my mind what I wanted to do. 

Then I would be distraught when those plans didn’t turn out the way that I desperately needed them to or had hoped that they would.

During a season of tearfully pleading to God, yes it was a season not a day or a single prayer; over time, specific bible scriptures were introduced to me, either through a preacher on the pulpit or through conversation with a brother or sister in an unrelated casual conversation.

I began to see that the Lord was speaking to me through His word. One of those scriptures is our focus scripture this week, Proverbs 19:21, I quickly realised that I had not consulted God at all.

I learned that I saved more time going to God first and allowing myself to be guided and led by His Spirit than to waste time being outside of His will. 

Simply MichMich

After quickly repenting I began to involve God in everything, whether ministry-related or not, everything! I learned that I saved more time going to God first and allowing myself to be guided and led by His Spirit than to waste time being outside of His will. 

Be encouraged, it is far better to spend more time seeking God with the intention to do His will than to waste time doing our own thing, give ourselves the royal run around, fall flat on our behind or bang our head trying, get nowhere, become frustrated and exhausted and then have to come back to God, get healing and restoration, then listen to what He tells us and then get it right.😅

Let’s just involve God right from the start, consult Him see what He says, and prosper from there

I’ve learned that when we seek the counsel of God first even if we make a mistake, He quickly re-orders our steps in His superabundant mercy. 🔥💕🙌🏾 #christianmotivation #jesuslovesyou #simplymichmich Share on X

I’ve learned that when we seek the counsel of God first even if we make a mistake, He quickly re-orders our steps in His superabundant mercy

Waste no time.

The Bible says in:

Proverbs 19:21 

21 Many are the thoughts in a man’s heart, but the counsel of Jehovah, that doth stand.

Be blessed by the hearing of God’s Word.

Be a blessing and share with someone that needs to hear this today.

Take Care x

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