Matthew 6:6 (NKJV)
6 But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.
When it comes to our communications with God, there are some things that Jesus wants to discuss with us in secret, behind closed doors.
When we think about shutting a door, this can be thought of as the end of a season or a chapter in one’s life. It can also symbolise denying someone access. Interestingly, a shut door can also serve as the precursor for a miracle, think about Elisha and the widow’s oil in 2 Kings 4:1-7.
The man of God instructed the widow to shut the door upon her and her sons and pour the oil into vessels that she had sent them to obtain from her neighbours. The end result was a miracle of abundance that not only changed the quality of their lives for the better but actually saved the lives of her sons.
Jesus instructs us how we should pray, wanting us not to be seen praying as though it were some sort of a performance, but to pray to our heavenly Father who is in the secret place. Did you notice that in our scripture Jesus said “if – you – shut – your – door”?
There are times that we look for God to make a move when in fact, He is waiting for us to make a decision in our heart to shut our doors and sit with Him.
When God wants to unfold something that He has already done to bless you. He will allow circumstances to help you to come away from the masses, the crowds and even come away from your own agenda in order for Him to direct you. God will call you to come away with Him to the secret place.
Contrary to popular belief this is not isolation, this is divine selection. To be isolated means that you are alone by yourself, but you are not by yourself, you are in the secret place with God.
Sometimes we fail to perceive the moment, this can often make way for something a little more troubling to prompt us to turn to Jesus. The danger is, that we may become so traumatised that we shut down and close our hearts and miss God.
I ask the question, could it be that in times of feeling alone we have failed to readily identify that God wants to communicate with us? Has Jesus been knocking at the door of our hearts and we need to let Him in? God is divinely selecting you for the next phase that He has in store for you.
The secret place is the undisturbed time and space with God that is private between Him and us. It’s a beautiful, special, deep place in your heart that belongs only to God, it is eternal (Ecclesiastes 3:11 NKJV).
It is so special that once you get a taste, you’ll steal away to spend time with Him to tell Him all that is in your heart and to hear what is in His. Think about Jesus repeatedly drawing away from His disciples and the crowds early in the morning, or in the evening or all night to spend time in prayer communing with our Heavenly Father (Mark 1:35, Luke 5:16, Matthew 14:23).
Certain translations of the bible refer to this as solitude, the state of being away from human activity. Sometimes we fight solitude when God is actually using it to bless us. Make your peace with solitude for it is your position of power, it is your vantage point.
There are times that we look for God to make a move when in fact, He is waiting for us to make a decision in our heart to shut our doors and sit with Him.
Simply MichMich
The secret place is also where we chose to be, to constantly look for God in every part of our daily life, to be comforted by Him, to be informed and instructed by Him, to be accepted and reaffirmed by Him, to be loved by Him.
This is where we remain, we dwell, even when we are going about our daily business. We may outwardly appear one way, but deep within us is this treasure hidden in secret; this meeting place with God (1 Corinthians 3:16).
Think about the writer of Psalm 91 reflecting that the person who dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
There is a protection that God gives His people that purpose in their heart to stay with Him even in the midst of troubling circumstances. A protection of mind, a protection of sprit, a protection of soul and body; a protection of the whole person.
Even when there is an attack, it can never do the eternal damage that the enemy originally intended, God has the final say.
Therefore, with this in mind, no one needs to drag us kicking and screaming to spend time with God, neither do we spend time with Him out of a sense of duty or begrudgingly.😁❤️🔥 #Jesus #Devo #SimplyMichMich Share on XTo be an enemy of God is to walk in perpetual frustration and anguish, embittered and at odds with God. To be a friend of God, is to abide in the secret place, walk in His everlasting love, security, peace, serenity and strength even when we are weak yet, we are strong in Him (2 Corinthians 12:10). God fights our battles; He gives us His divine strategies (1 Kings 30 & 2 Chronicles 20).
Therefore, with this in mind, no one needs to drag us kicking and screaming to spend time with God, neither do we spend time with Him out of a sense of duty or begrudgingly. It’s out of our love for Him, even though our carnality may be distracted with something else, deep down within us we are yearning for the sweet presence and the company of God.
Remember that God sees in secret; Jesus knows the heart (1 Samuel 16:7, Luke 9:47) He knows when we’ve made a decision to shut doors in order to go after Him. Jesus lovingly works within us right where we are and helps us to overcome our weaknesses.
This week let’s draw close to Jesus, shut our doors and come into that secret place where we can set down the worries that may have plagued our thinking. And receive the wisdom that comes from the perspective of the Eternal God who created and possesses heaven and earth (Genesis 14:19).
Sometimes we may even be beckoned into the secret place to speak with God in the early hours of the morning when the house is still and quiet. Rousing ourselves from that warm bed, rubbing the sleep from our eyes can be the equivalent of shutting our door.
This can be sacrificial and costly; however, He is worth it. This is what brings about the anointing, our relationship with God in the secret place. Remember, our Father who sees in secret, will reward you openly.
This is God’s word spoken in love. Remember The LORD our God, He is good and His mercies endure forever. May the blessings of the LORD overtake you and come upon you and His love surround you, for His glory. Have a blessed week. In Jesus Name.
Be a blessing and share this with someone who needs to hear this today.
Take Care x