Devotional Riches In God's Glory Philippians 4:19

Riches in God’s Glory (Philippians 4:19)

And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:19

It is an unfortunate possibility that the value of God’s glory is grossly underestimated because we just can’t comprehend His worth, He’s so great. 

We just can’t comprehend the magnitude of God, His radiance, His nature, His opinion, His honour, His beauty, His splendour, His power, His weightiness, His majesty (all are words to describe aspects of His glory). God’s glory is almost lost to our understanding, if we didn’t have Jesus. 

We find this being spoken of in Hebrews 1:3 Jesus is the radiance of God’s glory and He is the flawless representation of His being, His character and His nature.

I would go as far as to say that the life, death and the resurrection of Jesus helps to translate the glory of God for us in digestible amounts so that we can commune with God with a sense of understanding of who He is. 

Jesus tells His disciples that if they have seen the Son then they have seen the Father in John 14:9 

We only know that the resurrection power of God is available to us because Jesus was raised from the dead, and there are so many more amazing things that are available to us, only though Christ Jesus. 

If we are not in a relationship with His Son, we are nowhere near the glory of God and it’s in His glory that the true experience of abundance is found. If you think that you have a lot of something, just wait until God breaths on it, then you will see and know what abundance is. 

A lot of something without the blessing of God is nothing really 🙏🏾💕 #jesus #simplymichmich #faith Click To Tweet

A lot of something without the blessing of God (the source and the Creator) is nothing really, just a great amount yearning to be less, a great amount yearning to be consumed, a great amount yearning to be spent. Then your whole life is spent trying to keep it and add to it.

There are people that have a lot of material gain but were disappointed when they found out that their money didn’t reach as far as they thought that it would. It didn’t bring the peace that they thought, their loved one still didn’t recover, their children didn’t respect them as they thought they would. 

So, the key is not in the getting of riches, or having lots of children or material gain, all of this can be obtained through various means without a relationship with God. The key is a genuine and authentic loving relationship with God. 

When you have the favour of God, He can open doors for you that money could never buy. He can speak to the soul of man like only He can. God can give you such a peace and joy with the little that you may have that the richest person alive would be envious. 

There is a time and place for abundance and there is a time and a place for little but there is never a time and place to be without God.  

This week, as we go before our Heavenly Father with our requests let this truth bear witness in our hearts, that without Jesus, whatever we ask for is not worth having. 

So, let’s ask Jesus to show us the way to what we are asking for with Him, not separate from Him. And ask how will the thing that we are asking for work in His plan, or does He have something else that’s even better in mind. Let’s go to Christ Jesus the radiance of God’s glory for the fullness that God wants us to have. Let’s do this thing with Jesus.

This is God’s word spoken in love. Remember The LORD our God, He is good and His mercies endure forever. May the blessings of the LORD overtake you and come upon you and His love surround you, for His glory. Have a blessed week. In Jesus Name.

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