Devotional Wisdom That is From Above James 3:17

Wisdom That is From Above (James 3:17)

James 3:17 (KJV)

17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.

What makes sense to some, does not make sense to all, there are many kinds of wisdom. 

The bible makes it clear that there is a distinction between the earthly superficial and devilish wisdom of the world and the wisdom of God. 

This can really help us in our approach to life, before we came to Christ, we had a default setting within us that was switched on to a ‘worldly wisdom’; a very human way of seeing and doing things. We have to understand that this can be very destructive for a person of God.

The danger of that wisdom is that it operates and moves to the rhythm and the frequency of strife and jealousy that we see present in the world. As a result, this worldly wisdom transmits and produces confusion and all kinds of evil like a bad radio signal.

Perhaps this is why a godly person can become so unhappy and frustrated when we try and adopt worldly ways of doing things without the go-ahead from God and still expect the blessing of God to flow. 

It simply will not work, everything that can go wrong usually does go wrong because the person is not tuned in to God or His Kingdom, they are tuned into the world and the world is no friend to God.

As God’s children we are like a conduit; a pipe that runs between heaven and earth.

Simply MichMich

The key is to remain in God; go to Him first, seek His strategy, do things God’s way and enforce the Kingdom of God into the earth through our life activity (our prayers, praise, worship and action). As God’s children we are like a conduit; a pipe that runs between heaven and earth. 

We want to avoid connecting to the world in the same manner in which we connect to God, that is like a person connecting a pipe to a waste outlet then being disappointed and shocked when clear water fails to appear at the other… Click To Tweet

We want to avoid connecting to the world in the same manner in which we connect to God, that is like a person connecting a pipe to a waste outlet then being disappointed and shocked when clean water fails to appear at the other end. 

The bible encourages us that the kind of wisdom we need to operate in is the ‘wisdom that is from above’ how do we recognise God’s wisdom and how do we operate in it? 

James 3:17 informs us: 

17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.

With the merciful and truthful heart of our Father and not the condemning accusations of His enemy, we examine ourselves in line with the Word to do an inventory on our wisdom.

Is our wisdom undefiled or has it been tainted? Is it peace-loving or just wants to be right, no matter the consequences? Is our wisdom tender courteous and considerate of others or are we rude and argumentative without caring? (especially when we have been hurt or think we are in the right).

Is our wisdom willing to see reason or is it rigid not wanting to concede? Is our wisdom full of compassion and thus produces good works? Or is it self-serving and no one can see any good? 

Is our wisdom wholehearted and straightforward and impartial? or is it somewhat partial to some extent? And is our wisdom free from wavering insincerity? Or is it tossed to and fro and the complete opposite of it’s initial stance and expression? 

One of the things I love about the word of God is that it really is like a sword and I’d even go as far as to say that it is like a surgeon’s scalpel, cutting away and separating the parts of us that are fleshly and carnal with laser focus and precision.

So, what do we do with this truth? We engage in the gift of repentance, if we’ve examined ourselves and found that there were some areas that were out of alignment with the wisdom of God, we turn to Him.

That is the beauty of God’s mercy when there is clear evidence of the truth and the truth concerning us didn’t look too pretty. His arms are open with love towards us, He has already poured out His anger and punishment upon Jesus on the cross concerning that sin.

We turn to Him, repent for our shortcomings, our sins, iniquities and transgressions with real godly remorse and not making excuses, we change our mind and He will quickly forgive and cleanse us from our unrighteousness by the shed blood of Jesus. (1 John 1:9)

This week as we go to God asking to be partakers of His Wisdom, let’s also examine ourselves through the lens of God’s mercy in line with the word of God so that we are not connecting to the world’s wisdom and calling it God. 

We connect to God from which there is a free flow of His goodness with an outcome that is better than we could ever imagine if we do not grow weary in the process, we thank God for His wisdom that is from above.

This is God’s word spoken in love. Remember The LORD our God, He is good and His mercies endure forever. May the blessings of the LORD overtake you and come upon you and His love surround you, for His glory. Have a blessed week. In Jesus Name.

Be a blessing and share this with someone who needs to hear this today. 

Take Care x

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