Devotional Work Labour Endurance 1 Thessalonians 1:3

Work Labour Endurance (1 Thessalonians 1:3)

1 Thessalonians 1:3 (NIV)

3 We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labour prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.

There are three main activities mentioned in this scripture that the writer is recalling before God. 

‘Work’ produced by faith, ‘labour’ prompted by love and ‘endurance’ inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. 

At a glance these all seem to be synonyms of some kind of busyness for God. However, when we study these activities closer, we see that they have different functions, and we should expect a different outcome. 

There are differences between work and labour although, in the English language they are used interchangeably. 

Work is connected more with occupation, skill driven effort and toil and has an outcome linked to earnings and profit. 

Think of an employee being paid for their ‘work’ regardless of the amount of effort applied.

Labour is connected with service, pain, excessive amounts of effort and toil, little financial reward but highly rewarding. Trouble, frustration, being criticised, embarrassed or wearied, disturbances of rest and has an outcome that is linked to legacy rather than salary. 

Think of a woman giving birth, she does not go through ‘work’ pains she goes through ‘labour’ pains. What she produces is the next generation.

Remember, work produces earnings and is occupational, labour produces legacy and is generational. 

To endure is to have patience and continue with cheerful hope of the outcome. 

Issues with our endurance can arise when we incorrectly expect the outcome of work to be legacy, and the outcome of our labour to be financial reward. 

Sometimes expectations can get mixed up or in some cases we can mistake our labour of love for work (or vice versa) and wonder why we are not at peace with the process or the outcome. 

Remember, work produces earnings and is occupational, labour produces legacy and is generational. 

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All three activities were listed in our focus scripture, at different stages of our lives we may lean more heavily towards one depending upon the season we’re in. 

Make peace with this, you are not expected to be all things to all people at all times (that’s God’s work). As we walk with Christ all three become evident throughout our lifetime (and not necessarily in one season of our lives).

When we do this for Christ Jesus and the Kingdom of God, we find that we are blessed with a balanced sense of fulfilment, not from our efforts, but in the person of Christ Jesus who saved us, has a plan for our lives and judges all. 

Our significance is found in Christ Jesus and it’s our faith our love and our hope in Him that motivates us no matter what season we are in. 💖🙏🏾 #Devo #Jesus #SimplyMichMich Click To Tweet

Our significance is found in Christ Jesus and it’s our faith our love and our hope in Him that motivates us no matter what season we are in.

This week let’s thank God for helping us to clarify our understanding of work, labour and endurance. May we find peace in Christ Jesus and have an outcome that gives glory to God and not the world.

This is God’s word spoken in love. Remember The LORD our God, He is good and His mercies endure forever. May the blessings of the LORD overtake you and come upon you and His love surround you, for His glory. Have a blessed week. In Jesus Name.

Be a blessing and share this with someone who needs to hear this today. 

Take Care x

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